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Analyst Canalys published its 5G smartphone market prediction. In 2023, it is said that 5G is expected to overtake 4G and companies worldwide have delivered about 1.9 billion 5G-enabled phones by then.

5G phones will represent approximately 51.4% of the market share on the tipping point in 2023. China is anticipated to eat 34% of the shipments, followed by 18.8% in North America and 17.4% in Asia Pacific.

Canalys notes that governments have made significant contributions to accelerate 5G development. Consequently, 5G devices in China are estimated at 17.5% of the complete quantity as soon as 2020.


Nevertheless, remember that the effective launch of 5G does not imply successful implementation. The 5G network would take much more time and cost-much more complex than 4G implementation-to reap the complete benefit of the improved mobile broadband (eMBB).


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