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Apple FaceTime is one of the favorites for exclusive iPhone apps. Until now, however, the opportunity was denied for most iPhone customers in Pakistan.
Sellers sold locked FaceTime models and unlocking FaceTime models to those who didn’t understand that the latter cost more since it had to be produced.
Most iPhone consumers do not have FaceTime in Pakistan, therefore.

Now that the smartphone industry in Pakistan changes with PTA and other smartphones, iPhones are being purchased via formal outlets and marketed legally. Because customers in Pakistan are paid for tighter taxation measures more favor, the bundle can also be complete.

However , Now you just have to download the latest iOS 12.4 app for the ancient iPhone customers. “Allow FaceTime to call for iPhone and iPad phones purchased in Pakistan” is obviously stated.

FaceTime can be supported in Pakistan by the previous designs:

  1. iPhone 5s
  2. iPhone 6, 6 Plus
  3. iPhone 7, 7s, 7 Plus, 7s Plus
  4. iPhone 8, 8 Plus
  5. iPhone XR, Xs, Xs Plus

Upon installation of the module, you have to reset your iPhone and use FaceTime. 

If you wonder how to install the patch, pursue the measures:

  • Make sure your iPhone is loaded completely. 
  • Create a database backup.
  • Go to configurations and find software installation in particular environments. Download and install the extension to iOS 12.4.

Apple Mobile Prices in Pakistan

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